The Ultimate POCSAG decoder
This is a Post Office Code Standardization Advisory Group (POCSAG)
protocol decoder that currently runs on Linux and FreeBSD.
It features:
- Soundcard input via OSS (usually /dev/dsp).
- Server mode: One instance of the decoder can serve audio and raw POCSAG streams to
other instances of the decoder connecting as clients.
- Telnet server.
- Logging of raw POCSAG codewords to disk.
- Error highlighting.
- Noise smoothing (reduces error rate when input signal is weak and/or noisy).
- Statistics logging.
- Displaying of raw POCSAG codewords.
- Filtering based on keywords, RIC, and function bits.
It has the ability to log decoded messages to:
- Console
- Disk
- Windows machines (popup using the messenger service).
- Telnet server
- E-mail
- External applications
This project originally began as a Perl script in January of 2008 when I realized
that there were no working POCSAG decoders for Linux, and I badly wanted one.
It has since been rewritten and improved to this C version. Please read the documentation
carefully before attempting to use it.
pocsag-1.03d.tar.gz (107 kB) Changelog
This program is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
Send all feedback to

- Error highlighting and displaying of raw POCSAG codewords

Last updated: April 27, 2018.